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Const | Standard 3-letter abbreviation of constellation name |
Bayer ref | Bayer letter, plus component number where appropriate |
Flamsteed no | Flamsteed number |
Star name | Common star name (note some names have been applied to more than one star) |
GCVS ref | GCVS reference |
GCVS no | GCVS number |
SAO no | SAO number |
Star no | Meade alignment star number |
Max mag | Magnitude (maximum magnitude if variable) |
Min mag | Minimum magnitude |
Comp sep | Component separation (arc seconds) |
Spectral type | Spectral type of star (sometimes more than one value for multiple systems) |
RA hr | Right ascension hours |
RA min | Right ascension minutes |
RA sec | Right ascension seconds |
DEC +- | Declination sign |
DEC deg | Declination degrees |
DEC min | Declination minutes |
DEC sec | Declination seconds |
Pos err | Position error (arc minutes - see note below) |
All co-ordinate values are epoch J2000. These values have either been taken directly from ADC sources or have been calculated from earlier epoch values.
A position error value represents the difference between the co-ordinates known to the LX200 and the current values due to the precession of the Earth's axis of rotation. Most values are small enough to be of little concern.